psa: don’t run with a broken ass

Strength training is important for many reasons, not the least of which is that by adding lean muscle mass you ramp up your body’s fat burning capability. Seriously, who wouldn’t want this? I understand, on an intellectual level, that adding muscle is the best way for me to boost my metabolism and turn my body into a fat burning…

week 47 workout summary

What was that I was saying about finally being back to normal last Friday? It turns out that my return to health was short-lived. Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday saw me back in the pink, and returning to BodyPump and other regular gym activities. And then Tuesday Nov 26th rolled around. I boarded my flight to Vegas at 9am,…

week 46 workout summary

I will never regret my 5k Ugly Sweater Run a week ago Saturday, but as I noted in my race recap post and also in last week’s weekly update, running with a head cold wreaked havoc on my already weakened immune system. This past week was spent paying for my good time Saturday. An incessant cough, accompanied with a lovely…

week 45 workout summary

The week started out strong, with a heavier focus on cardio, in preparation for my first ever 5k race on Saturday. Things went slightly off track on Wednesday when I woke up with a head cold. I assumed that my under-the-weather feeling would lift by the end of the day. You see, since January 1st and embarking on…

week 44 workout summary

Week 44, AKA a return to BodyPump.  I’m so pumped (pun intended) to be back in Toronto and my BodyPump classes at the gym.  Since we were still officially on the road Sunday (we flew from Vegas to Buffalo on Saturday, then stayed overnight for the Bills game on Sunday), it meant arriving home pretty…

week 41 workout summary

The highlight of this workout week was, no doubt, my hike at Mary Jane Falls on Wednesday because a) it was on my birthday, and b) it was a new personal best.  Aside from that, in the vein of continuing to try new things, on Thursday I tackled the parcourse at the outdoor track nearby. I have…

week 40 workout summary

Overall, I’m pretty pleased with this week’s workouts. I feel good about meeting my new goal of achieving a better mix between cardio and strength training. From a ‘trying new things’ perspective, I attempted Chin Ups and Dips on that fantastic machine at the gym that “assists” you by providing counterweight. Make no mistakes about how big a help…

week 39 workout summary

With just three months to go in this year of daily sweats, my new focus is to try to ensure better balance between cardio and strength. On days with heavier cardio, I will attempt to get at least some level of resistance work in. That’s the plan. Wish me luck! Workout Summary: Sep 29 – Oct 5, 2013: …

week 38 workout summary

Some knee pain cropped up following the Sunday and Tuesday runs, so I decided to ease off running for the rest of the week.  While that was disappointing, I did manage to overcome a big fear on Tuesday: I worked out in the free-weight area of the gym; near the meat-heads. And I survived! Holy pain, Batman! Sure,…

week 37 workout summary

No preamble, no excuses, just the summary of sweat! Workout Summary: Sep 15 – Sep 21, 2013:  Sunday Sep 15 (Day 258): Elliptical: 1:08 mins; 9.27 kms / 5.75 miles Push-ups: 10 reps X 3 sets = 30 Monday Sep 16 (Day 259): Stairmaster: 17 mins; 55 floors climbed BodyPump: 60 mins Run: C25K Program – Wk 6,…

week 36 workout summary

So as it turns out, sucky Workout Week 35 wasn’t an anomaly, nor was it necessarily the function of a gruelling cross-country road trip. At least I’m pretty sure it wasn’t, given that I’ve now been sleeping in my own bed for over a week, and yet my ass is still dragging. There is decidedly less pep in…