that time I almost killed a wolf

Sunday, the day after our first snowstorm of the season, seemed as good a day as any to just hole up inside the house. Before the hibernation could start though, there was one very snowy driveway that needed shovelling. I had forgotten what a terrific cardio + strength workout shovelling is. Mr. Enthusiasm and I teamed up for the…

attitude is everything

What I’m doing here is not heroic. I’m simply exercising every single day for a year. It’s not easy, but let’s keep things in perspective, I’m not summiting Mount Everest, I’m not solving world hunger, and I’m not battling cancer. Whatever your personal circumstance, and wherever your journey takes you, of one thing I am certain, attitude is everything. But while this adage holds…

the bear usually wins…

Anyone who has been reading this blog for a while knows that I have a healthy fear of encountering bad things when I’m hiking in the mountains. Examples of bad things include: mountain lions, snakes and bears. I first realized the bear threat to be real when I read a Facebook update from my hiking…