run or don’t. your choice.

Last Thursday I published a piece on my relationship with running. Specifically, I was trying to explore why running plays any role in my life, given that it’s an activity I generally don’t enjoy. Rather than write about my main concern: i.e. that my ego might be the driving force in my decision to run or not, I chose to focus on…

speaking of letting go, it may be time for a break-up

Running has been on my mind a lot lately. Mostly I’ve been pondering my love/hate [okay, mostly hate] relationship with this activity. I’m also trying to better understand why it is that I even care to keep running as part of my regime, considering I [mostly] hate it. My hope is that once I sort all of that out I…

why do I do this to myself?

I’m sick of being sick. My cold symptoms made their first appearance two weeks ago Monday. I dismissed the scratchy throat and stuffy nose as mild annoyances, and believed wholeheartedly that they would be short-lived. I was, after all, practicing oil-pulling and garlic feet. By Wednesday morning I didn’t feel any better. So I did what any sensible person…

when bad technology happens to good people

Smartphones have indisputably made my life better. There was a time, not too many years ago where my bag was burdened with a cell phone, a digital camera, a PDA (NB: that is a personal digital assistant, not a public display of affection, you technology neophyte), and a music player. Today all those things are housed in a…

psa: don’t run with a broken ass

Strength training is important for many reasons, not the least of which is that by adding lean muscle mass you ramp up your body’s fat burning capability. Seriously, who wouldn’t want this? I understand, on an intellectual level, that adding muscle is the best way for me to boost my metabolism and turn my body into a fat burning…

10k isn’t THAT far, right?

Saturday November 16, 2013 was a big day for me. It was my first time: my first ever 5k race. The experience was significant for me. <– No, that’s a gross understatement. Running that 5k had a profound impact on my psyche. The truth is, for my whole life I believed I couldn’t run. I actually believed I was physically…

week 39 workout summary

With just three months to go in this year of daily sweats, my new focus is to try to ensure better balance between cardio and strength. On days with heavier cardio, I will attempt to get at least some level of resistance work in. That’s the plan. Wish me luck! Workout Summary: Sep 29 – Oct 5, 2013: …