short on time, long on stories

No one has ever accused me of being sketchy on details.

When I tell stories, I try to add all the flavour I can; a style which works well for cooking, but not always for story-telling.

This week, dear reader, while my son and his girlfriend are visiting during their university break week (and celebrating their respective 21st birthdays), my words, like my time, will be short. The upside to this is that I get to exercise my brevity muscle (one that has long-atrophied for me). With any luck, the discipline will stick.

I have so many stories to share with you:

  • My foray into guided meditation. (Oh boy, that one’s a doozy!)
  • My first (and second) attempts at Pure Barre class (I have pre-purchased 5 classes; God help me!)
  • Exploding stats on my new FitBit (Who knew having visitors in town would drive this much activity?? Over 16,000 steps Saturday and over 17,000 steps Sunday — of course there was some hiking involved, but this is mostly walking.)

Alas, since I have no time to write, what with an actual job AND trying to embrace every spare moment of precious kid-time, these stories will have to wait.

Oh….hang on a minute!

I discovered a new favourite blog last week, called Line of the Week. This blog is “…the utterings of friends who get together weekly. There is always plenty of laughter, plenty of off color remarks, and plenty of fun. Rest assured you will probably scratch your head at some, chuckle at others, and perhaps even wonder what on earth we could have been thinking as you read our Line Of The Week. There will be no explanations as to the context of each line, so feel free to use creative liberty to imagine a scenario. You will probably be offended at some point.. get over it!”

How fun is that? Truly!

So in the spirit of staying in touch, here is my favourite overheard line of the week, 100% verbatim:

“I couldn’t figure out which body part that was. But then I saw her vagina and it all made perfect sense.”



Keep moving!

xoxo nancy

53 thoughts on “short on time, long on stories

  1. I’ve bought a couple barre DVDs, but they end up sitting on my shelf after one or two uses. I tend to get bored, even though I feel really worked out when I’m done. It’s hard to let go of that desire for cardio and circuits.

    Enjoy the time with your son and his girlfriend!

    • It’s weird because the movements are so small…so subtle, and yet the workout is crazy hard. I was sore in the most random places (at my bra line, radiating towards my back, for example) but also in the places you’d expect: glutes, abs, triceps. I got a Groupon for 5 classes for $39 for Pure Barre (the original guys) – which is a great deal as their standard price is $22 per class. Jury is out as to whether I’ll continue with the classes or just try to soak in as much info as I can over the 5 classes and then continue doing on my own at home.

    • 🙂 I know, right?? 🙂

      The context of the line is actually funny, too — but in keeping with the premise that you just put the line out there without benefit of the context, it shall remain unspoken. 🙂

  2. I can’t wait for the full stories 🙂
    21st birthdays definitely take priority though 🙂
    Glad you are getting lots of steps in 🙂 my record on fitbit is 22000 ish and today….I am only up to 600…in my defence I am not well and have been dizzy!

  3. Yes, Line of the Week is great! I think my favourite so far was something like ‘It’s good that you’re not as dumb as a box of hair. It makes conversation so much more interesting.’ Fabulous 🙂

  4. I can’t wait to hear your stories!! Particularly about the guided meditation…I’m thinking its gonna be funny and I can’t wait. ha! no offense 😉
    Pure Barre sounds awesome too.
    I will definitely check out that blog, sounds awesome. thanks for sharing.
    Have a great week! How is the job going? Still loving it?

  5. Pure Barre class? What is that? Some of kind meditation (or worse, yoga) class where everyone’s completely butt-naked? I’m only saying this because I read the word ‘vagina’ somewhere!?!?

  6. I can’t wait to hear your recap from barre. I do core fusion barre — which I think is pretty similar — a couple of times a week in conjunction with running and yoga and it has absolutely transformed my body, especially my upper body and abs. I’m sure it has also changed my lower body, but its hard for me to tell since it was already pretty muscular from a life time of all cardio and no strength. But, after over 2 years of regular attendance, the thigh work at the bar still absolutely crushes me and reduces me to a shaking, sweating mess. I spend the whole class dropping F-bombs, but yet I keep going back for more.

    • I had no idea that little ball and a resistance band could cause so much pain. 🙂 Will do some writing this weekend. I’m sure my friends here will enjoy reading about my torture. 🙂

  7. Pingback: Everything Is Trying To Kill Me « HACKER. NINJA. HOOKER. SPY.

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