that’s what friends are for

I realize that My Year of Sweat has been a bit a ghost town lately. Nine days since my last post. You can practically see the tumbleweed bouncing along the lonely pages here.

I’ve been a wee bit busy with this new job thing.

Too busy to blog.

Too busy to exercise.

Yep, I said it. I’ve been phoning in my workouts lately.

IMG_20141119_213422Okay, I’ve managed a couple of 30 minute runs, including one very wet, very cold one along the waterfront during some wet snowfall Monday. This lakeside path looks pretty desolate and grey compared to the lovely summertime waterfront shots I have previously posted, huh?

I even bundled up and headed out for some trail hiking in the nearby conservation area during a couple of my lunch hours.

And, yeah, I’ve tried to get a respectable amount of walking in most days, to ensure that the old step count was at or near my 10k daily goal.

But, still.


Is that the best I could do?

excusesNo. It’s not.

Excuses are everywhere.

Yes, I’m busy.

Yes, there is a LOT of work to do.

No, there aren’t enough hours in the day.

That doesn’t mean I can’t just decide to prioritize on exercise.

I have the power to choose.

And I’ve chosen to pussy out on the workout front.

Today one of my friends, Sam, posted a link to my Facebook page.

She knew that I had been traveling quite a bit, and that I’ve been struggling with finding balance in this new world. She said, simply, that she saw this and thought of me.

It’s a quick workout, designed to be done anywhere (including a super tight hotel room), wearing anything (including just your underwear). I watched it and thought, no problemo. In fact, I will just launch right in and do it right now, to prove what a piece of cake it is.


I did a quick 10 minute warm-up jog and then one round of Shaun T’s 5 moves from the video (one minute each, no rest between moves):

  1. Walking lunges
  2. Side squat jump thingies
  3. Inch worms
  4. Long jumps
  5. Push-up / burpee / walkout thingies

I had a plan to have just a 30 second rest before repeating the whole circuit two more times.

Yeah, about that. Not so much.

I rested for a full 2 minutes before going back through for a second round.

Then I rested for 2 more minutes before doing a 5 minute cool-down jog.

And then I drank a gallon of water. Not really, but it was a lot of water.

Then I cursed myself for not pushing myself harder these past 3 weeks.

And, finally, I made a mental note to thank Sam for nudging me along. She is going to be an awesome personal trainer!

So, THANK YOU, SAM. I needed that.

For anyone else who, like me, may need a kick in the ass to get your exercise mojo back, here is a HuffPo article that may resonate: The Lamest Excuses for Not Exercising, and How to Overcome Them.

No excuses…

Keep moving,

xoxo nancy

66 thoughts on “that’s what friends are for

    • I substituted “I pussied out” for “I failed”. And only because I’ve previously used, “I shit the bed.” That one’s golden, but can’t be overused or it will lose its magic. 😉

  1. “Walkout thingies”—That’s quite the technical term. 😉

    Some days we have to take the snippets of exercise where we can. Even a couple ten minute sessions in a day are beneficial, so good for you for running through this routine. Hope things settle down a bit for you.

    • Haha…I got my technical speak from Sam. The names she uses for certain moves kill me! 🙂

      I’m off to Vegas tomorrow night. I’ll be working the entire time I’m there, but will take advantage of working to Eastern time zone hours, so I should get some good hiking in most days. Can’t wait!

  2. Uh oh, I knew this was headed for trouble as soon as I read “Shawn T.” 🙂 I finished 2 complete rounds of the Insanity program a little while back and – wow… Enjoy your trip and the chance to hike!

  3. Glad to see you back Nancy! We indeed have the power to choose how we use our time…a glass of wine or a glass of these workout thingies. Have a balanced work-in and work-out in Vegas!

  4. 😀 I am so glad I helped!

    If you want a quick effective work out that looks like it can’t possibly be that bad then leaves you in a heap on the floor saying “what the hell was that” you can rely on Shaun T 🙂 I suggest everyone follows him because he posts these 5 min extras all the time!!

    I am so glad you have refocused 🙂 I knew you would, you just needed to get through the adjustment period and be nagged from across the ocean :-p

    • Sometimes it really just takes someone to hold up the mirror. So THANK YOU for that. I have been collapsing, like a worn out pile of bones, on the sofa each night and feeling sorry for myself. The energy it took to sit and worry that I’ve gotten soft could have been poured into quick workouts (or even relaxing yoga). Instead I CHOSE to just sit and lament over how busy I am. No excuses. I’m back. 🙂

  5. I suspected this was going to be an ass kicking when Shaun started breathing harder just doing a few in the demo. I realize he was talking at the same time, but ….. 😉

    In Joanne’s kinder, gentler world, I think you’ve done an admirable job of keeping activity in your daily routine while going through the adjustment stage of some MAJOR changes in your life.

    Now go out and do some sweating in the Arizona sun! 🙂

  6. I’m with Lady of the Cakes on this one! 😉 I’m doing personal bests for walking in Europe… however am a long way from doing the whole regular exercise thing. So doing an extra ‘ra ra’ for you not ‘pussying’ out completely. 🙂

  7. I’ve been a bit lax this week too . . . it’s too cold for swimming/ water aerobics and it’s been too wet for me to want to go for a walk, ride, or run. So, yesterday I jazzed it up in the living room.

    These moves would have kicked it up a notch or twenty! Keep moving!

    • Holy schmoly, NH! These moves, done for a minute at a time were crazy intense! Sometimes I just need a little reminder that exercise can be convenient, regardless of time or place. No excuses!

  8. I struggled when it got so cold here – instead of getting up at my usual time to run, and instead hit the stationary bike, I chose to stay snuggled in bed! I’ve had to make up for it with time on the bike in the evenings – not near as fun!

  9. I have the same problem with lapses like this and with my condition my doc wants me doing at leats a 1/2 of light exercise 4-5 times a week. We get busy, we get sidetracked, life happens.
    The trick is to just accept and forget the last few weeks cause you can’t make up for it, and focus on that next workout.

  10. It’s such a catch 22. Whenever I’m flat out I know I do a way better job if I have the clarity of mind that exercise brings and yet it is always the first thing to go as it is an easy way to buy a block of time. Good on your for catching yourself Nance and owning it. I have read quote a few posts where you have done your daily workout in a hotel room. There is always an opportunity! You know that. Keep on keeping on. Xx

  11. You’re still so much better than me. I get one tickle in my throat and I’m like, not going to the gym… get one less hour of sleep than I want… no gym… Heck, I have so many reasons I could write a book.

    Happy snow day, by the way.

    • It feels like I’ve hit an extended rough patch. 😦
      I’m hopeful that now that I’m finding my footing at the new job, and have sold my house, that I’ll start to fight back when my head serves us convenient excuses.

  12. Nancy, you are not alone, this has been a crazy period and I too have been missing my walking, and worse yet, my YOGA, due to stuff with my mom. Got out for a nice walk today and planning a yoga video. Work my way back into the groove, and you will too. Hang in there and enjoy being in Vegas!

  13. There’s always tomorrow. Your days are jam packed right now and you need to take as much time to transition as you need. Working out for the fun of it is the ultimate goal, so I think you’re covered there. 🙂 cheers! It’s the weekend!

  14. You certainly know how to own your personal routines and time management, Nancy. That’s an excellent quality and gives me reason to really question my myriad excuses. I have a ton of them. I am intrigued with your new “plan in a pinch” and will read the Huffington Post article and see if I pick up on some good inspiration. And I also hope you find a little more time in your new schedule. That would be nice, too. 🙂

    • Hey Debra, made it into Vegas very late Thursday night and finally got to hit the mountains this morning for a challenging hike. I feel better already! I’m thinking that if I had mountains nearby at home in Toronto, I’d be making a whole lot less excuses! Exercise seems way less of a chore when you’re doing an activity you love. 🙂

  15. Good job Nancy, I just don’t know how you stay motivated every single day! I can do yoga all the time without ever getting burned out. Yet, the treadmill glares at me daily. I’ll do two weeks and then be done. And I need to get back on it and get rid of this belly I’ve acquired. Maybe I need to break free of the treadmill and try the workout you did. And good job on staying blogging too! I feel so guilty sometimes that I dropped the ball on my blog. Your 9 days has been my, what?, 3 months? Anyway, wah wah wah. Nice job Nancy!!! xo 🙂

    • I thought I’d do a better job of the blogging stuff after getting to Vegas – and without the TO/house stuff occupying my time. No such luck! I haven’t even been able to do any reading, let alone writing. 😦

      I think the quick hit workouts like this one from Shaun T (or any of the awesome ones from Fitness Blender) are fantastic. …IF you are motivated to actually DO THEM. 🙂 I haven’t been. My fault, nothing to do with time/access.

      I’m feeling a bit more myself after two great hikes this past weekend. Hoping to squeeze some short ones in every day after my eastern-time-zone work day ends here in Vegas. (t-minus 90 mins…)

  16. Hey, Nancy. I can’t believe I didn’t catch this post. (Actually I can, with a pound of oatmeal upstairs!) Anyway, I’ve been thinking about you and your new job. Hope all is well. Send a couple of mojo thoughts my way. I’m trying to recover my fitness mojo! Peace, John

    • The daily hikes last week helped. I’m not 100% back yet, but I did wake up early this morning to do some pilates, and then 45 mins on the elliptical at lunch. Working my way back. Happy to share any mojo I find along the way.

  17. Pingback: snaps for nancy | my year[s] of sweat!

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