my fickle lover leaves me each night

hawaii sunset (2)

cry not when I leave

remember the warmth we shared

once more I must go

This Hawaiian sunset brings me back to my vacation in May 2008, and the joy of celebrating my daughter’s graduation from high school, my son’s graduation from elementary school and my (and Mr. Enthusiasm’s) 21st wedding anniversary.

The sun celebrated with us every day. But it left us, sinking into the horizon, each night.

Today’s post is part of a WordPress writing challenge: 5 Haikus in 5 days. Click here to learn more. For the first entry, click here.

As always, get moving!

xoxo nancy

30 thoughts on “my fickle lover leaves me each night

  1. we must be operating on the same frequency. ha! I wrote my 3rd one this morning and I swear it is almost identical. different circumstances but similar words and theme. crazy! you’ll see tomorrow. 🙂 beautiful haiku!

  2. Pingback: Weekly Writing Challenge: Haiku | A mom's blog

  3. What an awesome memory to enjoy! We brought the kids to Hawaii a few years ago… man oh man… it was paradise wasn’t it? They ask to go back there every time we discuss taking another trip – can’t say as I blame them either. Lovely Haiku.

    • Such a shame it’s sooooo much farther than other tropical destinations for us East Coasters. I keep thinking one if these days we’ll grab a cheap flight out of Vegas. Haven’t done it yet but I totally should.

      • Man, I know… loved it so much more that the Caribbean. But 13 hours on a plane with younger kids – though they were great really – is a bit much to go through too often.

      • Yep. So much easier to do from the left coast – esp with direct flights. Just arrived at my condo, but methinks these 2 weeks will be spent bargain shopping for xmas gifts so no side trips this time.

  4. Pingback: Haiku Catchoo- Day 2 | Lead us from the Unreal to the Real

  5. Pingback: Starvation | The Arkside of Thought

  6. Nancy,

    Great Haiku and even better sunset picture! I’v heard of haiku but have never learned the structure. Since I’m off work sick it will give me something to do.


  7. Pingback: a collection of haikus | Ramisa the Authoress

  8. Pingback: Weekly Writing Challenge: Haiku Catchoo! | Bastet and Sekhmet's Library

  9. Pingback: Ra and Man | The Arkside of Thought

  10. Pingback: Haiku: Challenge Accepted | Rob's Surf Report

  11. Pingback: Haiku: Traditions | Rob's Surf Report

  12. Pingback: Haiku: Cycles | Rob's Surf Report

  13. Pingback: Weekly Writing Challenge: Haiku / Bubbles | A mom's blog

  14. Pingback: Haiku: Voices | Rob's Surf Report

  15. Pingback: Haiku: Absolute | Rob's Surf Report

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  17. Pingback: juxtaposition at its finest | my year of sweat!

  18. Pingback: I can | my year of sweat!

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